Mystical and Magical Energy: What is a Strawberry Moon?


Why all the buzzing about the “Strawberry Moon“?

The summer solstice is the longest day of the year, a day falling around late June when there are approximately 17 hours of light. 

Today this year’s solstice is – a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence, because it coincides with the Strawberry Moon. 

The last time such an alignment — the summer solstice and a full moon — occurred was in 1948, according to the Baltimore Sun, citing the Almanac. Normally, throughout the June month, the moon shares some time with the daytime sky, according to Sky & Telescope.

On June 20, 2016 the summer sun will reach its most northerly point, directly overhead at the Tropic of Cancer at 23 degrees 27 minutes north latitude. 

For North American time zones this event happens at 6:34 p.m. EDT, 5:34 p.m. CDT, 4:34 p.m. MDT, and 3:34 p.m. PDT, Sky & Telescope reports.

The name comes from the Latin solstitium meaning “sun stands still”. This phenomenon happens because the sun stops heading north at the Tropic of Cancer, and returns back southwards. Therefore in the northern hemisphere the days begin to get shorter.

The name “Strawberry” moon also comes from the belief that strawberry-picking season is at its peak during this time of the year, according to the Farmer’s Almanac. This full moon is also called the Mead Moon or the Rose Moon, and the only night in the month when the moon is in the sky all evening long.

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Sending Blessings, 
Love and Light
Saquina Akanni

The Prosperity Doctor

Here are some from Amanda Sloane
Culture of Awareness

Why all the buzzing about the “Strawberry Moon“?
Here’s what makes it so special:
1 • It’s a full moon, meaning the earth lies between the sun and the moon so the complete surface of the moon is visible.
2 • Each month’s full moon has a name and a meaning, dating back to Native Americans. June’s full moon is called the Strawberry Moon because the short season during which strawberries can be harvested happens in June.
3 • However, strawberries aren’t native in Europe. There, June’s full moon is called the “Rose Moon.”
4 • June’s full moon is also called a “Honey Moon” or a “Mead Moon” because its position is low in the sky (in our hemisphere at least) and the earth’s atmosphere can give it a warm tint.
5 • The word “honeymoon” refers to marriage’s sweetness, in addition to the European custom of giving newlyweds enough mead to last them a month. But it’s also interesting that June is the most popular month to get married and, as a result, many couples take their honeymoons during the month of the “Honey Moon.”
5 • And as if this month’s full moon didn’t have enough nicknames already, some cultures also call it a “Hot Moon” because it’s the start of the summer season.
7 • The Strawberry Moon for June 2014 was extremely rare because it happened on Friday the 13th. It hasn’t happened on this superstitious day since 1919 and won’t happen on another Friday the 13th in June until 2098!
8 • In fact, full moons that happen on Friday the 13th are pretty rare in general. The last one was in October 2000 (that would have been a “Full Harvest Moon” or “Full Hunter’s Moon” by the way!). The next one is expected in August 2049.


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